Live entertainment from singing to dancing to marital arts.
Treat yourself to a Heavenly Day filled with plenty Pampering Options coupled with superb Informative Talks & Presentations covering a Variety of Topics to Complement and Enhance one’s Perception of a Nourishing Lifestyle, whilst having fun!
Educate, Celebrate, and Enjoy Life whilst Taking Care of Yours!
An Informed Community is a Happy Healthy Community!” title_typo=”font_size~21||line_height~23″ title_color=”#5c669b” subtitle_color=”#808c98″ subtitle_typo=”font_size~14||line_height~22″ icon_as_icon=”linea-ecommerce-megaphone”]
Company Profile, Stationery, business cards, sticker.
Social Media Images.” title_typo=”font_size~23||line_height~25″ title_color=”#5c669b” subtitle_color=”#808c98″ subtitle_typo=”font_size~14||line_height~22″ icon_as_icon=”linea-basic-world”]
What we will do for you…..
- We will create and design you a 7 page webpage on Body and Mind Directory.
- Home page, Biography, Gallery, Contact and map, Articles and events page.
- We will list you under every category that pertains to you.
- Announce your new membership in our newsletter to our countrywide database of 35 000 subscribers.
- Splash you out to our entire social media platform. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and many others.
- Create a Podcast Interview on Skype with you and our Body and Mind professional interviewer.
- Market your recorded interview on our YouTube channel, newsletter and social media.
- Load your interview on our interactive website called
- Load your interview on your page and onto our Mobile App for Android and Apple.
- You will also enjoy discounted rates on all advertising in the future. Including members rates on any events Body and Mind organises.
- You will be able to list your events on our website and load articles for Free.
- We will market your articles for Free in our newsletter and social media.
[/argenta_sc_accordion_inner][argenta_sc_accordion_inner title=”Section 2″ tab_id=”1565946823367-96cffdad-c6e5″ heading=”MAILSHOT:”]
[/argenta_sc_accordion_inner][argenta_sc_accordion_inner title=”Section 2″ tab_id=”1562580493296-079ffcc6-9d26″ heading=”FRIDAY BLASTS:”]
[/argenta_sc_accordion_inner][argenta_sc_accordion_inner title=”Section 2″ tab_id=”1565946707604-8fdb5dcb-c8ce” heading=”NEWSLETTER:”]
[/argenta_sc_accordion_inner][argenta_sc_accordion_inner title=”Section 2″ tab_id=”1565946775219-f0b97c8d-4b54″ heading=”SOCIAL MEDIA SPLASH:”]
[/argenta_sc_accordion_inner][argenta_sc_accordion_inner title=”Section 2″ tab_id=”1565949632611-1df178d6-e9f3″ heading=”HOME PAGE ADVERTISING:”]We have various different options for banner advertising on our 3 popular websites. and Mobile APP
Check out our stats on the worlds ranking forum of the top 30 million websites.
R 1 000-00 per month (3 in Rotation)
MPU 280 X 240
R 900-00 per month
YouTube Video
R 500-00 per month (4 in Rotation)
Featured home page members R300 per month[/argenta_sc_accordion_inner][/argenta_sc_accordion]